Visit Al Baraka Bank to AUW & Donations for Students’ Scholarships
In an effort to extend its social responsibility, Al Baraka Bank payed a visit to Ahfad University for Women (AUW) on Sunday, the 20th of June, 2021. Al Baraka Bank General Manager Mr. El Rasheed Abdel Rahman Ali and other members of the Executive Management arrived at AUW to extend existing collaborations. AUW received with great gratitude and appreciation the generous and appreciated donation made by Al Baraka Bank to support the sponsorship of outstanding students from low-income families, which reflects the Bank’s generous commitment to the values of social responsibility and sincere understanding of the mission of AUW as a non-profit educational institution. The generous support made by Al Baraka Bank and the future it provides for many students and their families is well appreciated by AUW and it extends it’s gratitude to Al Baraka Bank for this kind and generous support.