
WASD produces various book series and conference proceedings, to spread information all over the world, and to promote its aims and activities through various other partners. WASD book series are developed to provide an overview of Sustainable Development (SD) and why it is important and to provoke forward thinking on the development of a more coherent approach to solving global problems related to sustainability. In doing so, a holistic approach is used to critically examine the inter-relationship between the natural, the governmental, the economic and the social dimensions of our world and how science and technology can contribute to solutions. And although science, technology and SD are the main focus of our book series, there is no limit as to the articles/chapters that will be considered.

Our book series are truly global source books reflected in the varied nation and cultural origins of the contributors as well as the topics and case studies covered. All our editorial committees are truly international in terms of their interests and range of specialization. The validated academic background that they bring to bear on the quality of the review as well as their geographic areas of interest foster a uniquely different editorial experience. Almost all our book series are uniquely free of charge to any institution within the developing countries and by purchasing a book from WASD, you are making a contribution to WASD and enabling a poorer student/researcher to receive free publications from WASD. For more information about any of WASD book series, please contact Janet Snow:

Sudan Book series aims to provide a global perspective and understanding of all challenges and opportunities to achieve sustainable development in Sudan. Titles provide new methodologies through which goods and services are produced and managed using sustainable business practices in Sudan, as well as a sound grounding in the terminology of sustainable business. In doing so, this series develops a number of tools of analysis in order to conceptualize various business and management theories that can be used to address the challenges posed to achieving SD in Sudan.

The Diaspora book series aims to provide a global perspective and understanding of the role of diaspora in their host countries as well as their countries of origin and therefore provides a stimulus for knowledge exchange and discussion that focuses more specifically on issues relating to the role of diaspora in technology transfer (TT) and achieving sustainable development (SD) to critically examine the relations and links between diaspora, country of origin and host countries.

Our Conference Proceedings are listed in the Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI), and respected all over the world by leading academic and professional bodies such as the United Nations, World Bank, UNESCO, European Commission and major universities in the UK (Oxford, Cambridge, London), USA (Harvard, Princeton, Stanford, NY, California) and Australia (Queensland, Sydney, Griffith).