United Nations Joint Inspection Unit (UK) UN Policy Research Survey

UN Policy Research Survey

Following WASD successful engagement with the UN Joint Inspection Unit (JIU) last year on the role of PPPs in the implementation of Agenda 2030, WASD will be engaged again with JIU on its next project A.435 entitled “Strengthening the policy research uptake in service of the 2030“. Together with JIU, WASD organised the first meeting in London on 14th March 2018 to launch the project (see video below).

For the first time in its 52 years of history, the UN will officially consult the academics and researchers on the policy research uptake in the United Nations. To that end we are kindly inviting researchers to fill in this survey. This represents an unprecedented opportunity for academics and researchers from universities and research institutes to express their opinions in a systematic way on this subject. The results of the survey will be reflected in an official report of the UN JIU that aims to improve policy research uptake of the United Nations system at a system wide level. The report will be publicly available, and the results of the survey will be communicated for dissemination. WASD intends to disseminate in its 17th International Conference in Kenya with the UN Environment in Nairobi June 2019 and in Tunisia March 2019, we invite ALL to participate and engage with the wider world. We will be very grateful if colleagues can kindly spend few minutes completing the survey.


JIU is the only independent external oversight body of the United Nations system mandated to conduct evaluations system-wide. JIU operates with respect to the legislative organs and the secretariats of 28 funds, programmes and specialized agencies and other organisations, within the United Nations system, that have accepted its Statute. JIU has the authority to recommend actions to the General Assembly and the Secretary-General of the United Nations, as well as to the Executive Heads and the legislative bodies of all the other participating organisations.

In 2018, JIU undertakes a review on policy research uptake aiming at identifying ways to improve the existing mechanisms and processes of producing and using policy research originating within and outside the United Nations system. For the purpose of this review, research uptake is defined as the process of becoming aware of, and accessing research, alongside with policies, systems and mechanisms supporting this process. It thus includes all activities facilitating the use of research evidence by United Nations staff and policy makers.

The review intends to assess four main components associated with research uptake function:

  • adequacy and effectiveness of existing research uptake mechanisms and policies;
  • internal practices and processes, alongside organisational culture, awareness and incentives for managers and staff to build on existing research in performing their functions;
  • opportunities on coordinated research uptake across the United Nations system;
  • best use of external resources (academia, research institutes, think tanks etc.) and building bridges between the United Nations system and the academic community.

This survey is part of the information collection and analysis stage of the review (the third and fourth component as described above).  The objective of this survey is to collect and integrate views and evidence on the efficient use by the United Nations system of research produced externally, by academic/research communities. Concrete recommendations for action would be welcome and taken into consideration in the preparation of the JIU report.


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