CALL FOR CHAPTERS: Technological transformation for Sudan’s sustainable inclusive development

Part of Palgrave Studies of Sustainable Business in Africa

Editor: Allam Ahmed, Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU), University of Sussex, UK

This book will focus on the application and utilisation of science, technology and innovation (STI) for addressing societal challenges, thereby promoting development. Issues of governance of STI, technology transfer (TT), business practices, public policies and their impacts and implications on Sudan sustainable development (SD) will be critically examined. Ultimately, the aim of this book is to improve readers’ knowledge and understanding of how TT concepts and frameworks can be better applied in addressing Sudan’ socio-economic and development challenges in an inclusive and sustainable manner. The book puts together, for the first time, original and cutting-edge contributions aimed at illuminating and charting new directions for researching, teaching and understanding of this subject matter.

Deadline for Chapter Submission: 15th October 2017

In order to assess the suitability of any submission for any book in the Series, authors are required to submit an abstract (100–150 words maximum) which concisely and clearly outlines the purpose, methodology, findings, contribution, limitation as well as practical implications (if applicable) of the chapter. Please consult the Guidelines for Chapters Preparation before submitting your abstract/chapter.

Manuscripts, in the first instance, should be forwarded no later than 15th October 2017 to Allam Ahmed (


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