Role of Diaspora in Technology Transfer and Achieving Sustainable Development in Sudan

(99 customer reviews)


Sudan like much of the rest of the developing world has toyed with and abided by various approaches or strategies to transfer technology (TT) and achieve sustainable development (SD) without reaping any significant socio-economic benefits. The Sudanese diasporic community is relatively large and has a significant impact on Sudan development on account of the size and volume of financial remittances. However diasporic contribution is largely neglected within national science and technology policies and strategies. Adopting a more holistic approach, the conference aims to provide a stimulus for knowledge exchange and discussion that focuses on issues relating to the role of diaspora in TT and achieving SD to critically examine the relations and links between diaspora, Sudan and host countries, and attempts to outline policy and strategies to support the role of diaspora in developing, creating wealth and achieving SD in Sudan.


The book includes selection of the best papers presented during the First Sudanese Diaspora International Conference, Brighton, United Kingdom 2009. The  main parts of the book are: Diaspora Contribution to Home Country; Technology and Scientific Knowledge Transfer; Education, Training and Development; Medical Sciences and Public Health; Engineering Applications and Sustainable Business Excellence; and Environment and Waste Management.

Editor: Prof. Allam Ahmed
ISBN (Print): 978-0-9551771-6-3
ISBN (Online): 978-0-9551771-7-0
Date: January 2009
Pages: 214

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