Indexing, Ranking, Publishers and Libraries

All our publications are listed and indexed in various international Indexing and Ranking platforms such as ScopusThomson Reuters Emerging Sources Citation IndexINSPECReadCube DiscoverABI/Inform (ProQuest)Cabell’s Directory of Publishing OpportunitiesBritish Library;  CrossrefAustralian Business Deans Council (ABDC) and the Norwegian Centre for Research Data (NSD).

Our publications are also included in the various Databases and Ebooks managed by ProQuest: ProQuest Central, Central Essentials, Central Student, One Academic; ProQuest Research Library Prep; ProQuest Premium Collection (Business, Social Science, Health Research); Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI). All our publications are either published in-house or in partnerships with international publishers such as Emerald PublishingRoutledge/Greenleaf Publishing and others.


All our editorial committees are truly international in terms of their interests and range of specialization. The validated academic background that they bring to bear on the quality of the review as well as their geographic areas of interest foster a uniquely different editorial experience. WASD is very grateful for all our distinguished International Advisory Boards (IABs) which include distinguished international academic and professional experts in the different subject areas of the different journals. All our IABs members graciously offering their invaluable comments that have enriched the quality of the papers in all our publications and also for making available to us their valuable time and efforts.